Thank you for your patience, our lead time is 6-8 weeks on some products. Questions? Call us @ 907-631-4212

What are the "popular" holsters or items usually in stock?

While our wait time is running a solid 4-6 weeks we know there is a lot of concern about your items arriving before Christmas and when your purchase will ship.  

In general, we are not able to keep any of our hip holsters in stock and they are all running 4-6 weeks due to their custom nature.

Our Guide's Choice™ Chest Holsters are easier to keep in stock or just a couple weeks out for our "popular" models.  These are for right handed, no removable flap option.  (Guide's Choice reloads, speed loader pouches, and mag pouches are almost always in stock and will not slow down your order)

Taurus Tracker 4",6"

S&W L/K Frame 4", 6"

S&W N Frame 4", 6", 6.5"

S&W X Frame 4", 5"

Ruger Super Redhawk/Redhawk 2.5", 4", 5.5", 7.5"

Ruger Blackhawk 4 5/8", 7.5"

Glock 20/21

Glock 40mos

1911 5" (without rail)

This is not a complete list of our current stock, and please call with questions if they come up but just so you have a better idea.

Also in Blogs from Diamond D Custom Leather

NEW HOLSTER, The Alaska EDC Belt Slide
NEW HOLSTER, The Alaska EDC Belt Slide

Our newest and most universal fitting holster, The Alaska EDC.  Made specifically for semi-autos this holster is our most affordable and universal fitting belt slide holster to date.

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S&W-Performance Center Competitor 629 & 686 FINALLY AVAILABLE
S&W-Performance Center Competitor 629 & 686 FINALLY AVAILABLE

S&W 629 & 686 Performance Center Competitor FINALLY AVAILABLE!!

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